Simplex Units
Includes one pump and motor unit sized to handle rated boiler horsepower with a 300% safety margin. A horizontal steel holding tank is mounted above the pump with necessary openings for returns, vent and drain. A float operated make-up water valve is standard. Suitable pipe connections from the tank to the pump are provided and include a suction strainer and hand operated valve. All components are mounted on a steel base. Pump operation is controlled from the boiler.
Duplex Units
Includes two pump and motor units, each sized to handle rated boiler horsepower with a 300% safety margin. Since each pump is sized to adequately handle rated boiler either pump pump can be removed for service or adjustment without interruption of system operation. A horizontal steel holding tank is mounted above the pumps with necessary openings for returns, vent and drain. A float operated make-up water valve is standard. Suitable pipe connections from the tank to the pump are provided and include a suction strainer and hand operated valve. All components are mounted on a steel base. Pump operation is controlled from the boiler.