Albany Fuel Injection A-Series Gear Pump is high precision and fuel pressuring type positive displacement internal gear pump which prepared by graded cast iron. These nitrated gear, shafted rotor give better performance with closed tolerance to give long life. These pumps are self priming type produces maximum, vacuum determined by the cavity between the gear teeth. These pumps modified profile teeth cutting to give accurate capacity with in the pressure range. These pumps are capable to run liquid up to 500 CST viscosity and up to temperature 302ºF. The sealing is done with mechanical seal to ensure zero leakage.


The suction and delivery connections are available in 3/8″,1/2″,3/4″and 1″ size. A-Series Gear pump come in a capacity Range of 60 LPH to 6000 LPH with operating pressure up to 455 PSI, yet for continuous duty maximum recommended pressure is 425 PSI. These pumps can also be used at 2800 RPM. The capacity will have approx double of normal duty condition. These pump can be run both clock and anti clock direction as per requirement